Appalachian Sacred Smoke
Appalachian Sacred Smoke

Appalachian Sacred Smoke

$ 0.00
Appalachian Sacred Smokeis the family cottage industry ofa poet and wildcrafter raising five children (and a lot of herbs) in a beloved old southern Appalachian farmhouse. I am the descendent of a long line of German appalachian folk healers, wise women, hillfolk, and ordinary mystics. As a child, I was prone to daydream and wander, and my mother would send me out into the fields and woods to collect wild bouquets for our Sunday and holiday dinner tables, which I would arrange among my grandmother’s old china and crystal glasses.
I have come to know the overlooked “weeds” of the fields as healers and friends, the carriers of the sacred right below our feet, rustling inside our every quiet prayer. Keats wrote that “The poetry of earth is never dead.” Every where there is wildness, there is blessing, there is healing medicine. I try to weave the wild field in bloom. It is my prayer that every time you use your bundle, you will bless the plants and earth which offer themselves to you, that you will listen to what they have to teach you, and that you will offer your own heart and intentions back to the healing and tending of the “anima mundi “ - the soul of the world.


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