Spring has Sprung - Villagers into a NEW LOCATION!

Spring has Sprung - Villagers into a NEW LOCATION!

The gifts of spring have begun to bloom —  the world is reawakening to the magic of life! Daffodils are the messengers of the season — their gentle presence signifies to the rest of the natural world that spring has arrived. Their poetry is unassuming powerful, new life comes in to being and as these little starship flowers begin to bloom, so to does the flora and fauna around them unfurl.

Today we announcing our NEW LOCATION and a celebration of emergence new beginnings and rebirth from the quiet dormancy of winter.

Although we miss our Asheville community, we are embracing the change, the newness, and the place we are in for we choose to see the gold within the hardships of the past year.

Spring is in the air and we feel the primal spring energy supporting us as we prepare to open the shop location again in April! We are stocking the shop with your favorite products, plants and more! Stay tuned for updates as they unfurl this season.

Blessings to all,


April 6!

7 S Main Street, Burnsville, NC 28714


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