Coming Back to Life

Coming Back to Life

My dream for 2021 is to manifest a version of this. Food security, self-sufficiency, natural systems, long-lasting health, and human connection. Imagine if more people had access to this lifestyle. Imagine if we lived with more of a village mindset- where we prioritized communal living -- shared ideas, customs and connection.

This new year 2021 signifies a Great Turning. It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millenia-long sleep, to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves and to each other This awakening makes the Great Turning possible. The worldview that is emerging now lets us behold anew and experience afresh the web of life in which we exist. It lets us honor our pain for the world as a gateway into deep participation in the world's healing, and in such, our own.

I am about to embark on the co-creation of this dream on 43 acres of land in Burnsville, NC. Together we are aiming to co-design permaculture systems based on nature's own self-organizing powers. Some of our first projects include passive solar home building with EMF protection, subterranean greenhouse design, forest gardens, and natural swimming pool ecosystems, which can be a bit more involved than a pond.

Although the details are unknown, I can say that Villagers will focus on co-creating a place where we can all learn how to operate in the world making decisions to benefit the greater organisms that sustain life- Earth and Tribe. We will continue to operate as a retail space while we build this vision and share the process along the way. We will continue to collaborate with the community to offer learning opportunities in our pristine mountains.

This land represents more than a safe haven for its residents, but a demonstration village for the many that dream of a 'better' life. I am sharing this vision with you all today to put the wheels in motion.

Wishing you all the courage to go after your dreams, whatever they may be.

WIth Love,

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